How to be a power connector by judy robinett


How khổng lồ Be a Power nguồn Connector by Judy Robinett is a book about her 5 + 50 + 100 rule to create & manage a network of high-value connections.

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How to Be a Power nguồn Connector Summary

Your network is your net worth. – Tyên Sanders

We know the need lớn get ourselves out there, meet people who will get us closer to our goals, & curate who we spend the most time with.

But one question is stopping us: Where to lớn start? How khổng lồ Be a nguồn Connector has the answers.

Lesson 1: 4 Principles to lớn Become a Powerful Connector

Early on in the book, the author presents four principles anybody who wants khổng lồ level up their networking game should follow. They are:

Pinpoint the relationships you will pursue & nurture;Reach beyond just friends, family, & profession & build a wide network of connections;Use a system for adding value khổng lồ those contacts regularly;Become the connector between connections.

Just lượt thích everything else in life, building relationships & curating a network requires work. You need a goal, and you must have sầu a system in place lớn help you add value to lớn your network consistently.

Lesson 2: Providing Value lớn Your Connections

It can be daunting lớn approach someone more successful than us. What can we vày for them? What else vì chưng they need when they seem khổng lồ have everything?

According to lớn Robinett, everybody toàn thân is looking for value. Yes, even millionaires, investors, well-known entrepreneurs, & public figures who are deemed successful by many.

People with money have sầu a problem of knowing where khổng lồ put the money. Entrepreneurs who need capital or investment are looking for people with the problem of not knowing where lớn put their money.

People in academia need to lớn know about the business world. Startups need the validity and resources provided by the creativity and retìm kiếm in academia.

Not sure about what value you can bring someone? Do a brainstorm. Make two lists – one with your professional accomplishments & the other with your personal achievements.

They can be big or small. For example, it can be something as simple as establishing a good habit or a friend you’ve sầu known for years.

Lesson 3: The 5 + 50 + 100 Rule

The 5 + 50 + 100 Rule is a method Judy Robinett uses to lớn maintain the connections she has. She uses it lớn break down the people in her network to lớn determine how often lớn keep in touch with each of them.

Top 5: The 5 people closest to lớn the author. She keeps in touch with them almost daily.Key 50: The 50 important relationships representing a significant value lớn Robinett’s life và business.Vital 100: The 100 people the author touches base with at least once a month.

Robinett checks-in with her Top 5 daily, Key 50 weekly, and Vital 100 monthly.

You can tweak the cadence based on where you’re at right now. For me, I decided to lớn check-in with my Top 5 weekly, Key 50 monthly, & Vital 100 quarterly.

For other connections who vị not fall into any of these buckets, Robinett recommends sending them a quarterly email newsletter with updates on your professional and personal life. You can also include a request for an update from them.

Lesson 4: Be Intentional About Meeting New People

Whenever Robinett moves to lớn a new city, she will try to lớn befriend local business people, investors, county commissioners, and editors of local papers.

When she’s boarding a flight, she can initiate a conversation with strangers because they cốt truyện a commonality – in transit lớn another place.

How? It’s not easy, especially for an introvert. She has tips for you in the book, & it’s about crafting your elevator speech for conversations.

Lesson 5: Crafting Your Conversations

Give sầu people a sense of who you are before starting a conversation.

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Share about what you’re about và your interests. You can even bring in personal details lượt thích your family, hobbies, or community involvement. Next, bring up your business or your profession.

Make a các mục of what you are good at, what you are working on, & other topics you can bring up in conversations. In a way, it’s like my About & Now page.

There are many things you can find out about the other person too.

You can ask about the person’s work life, which includes topics such as business and career. Some questions you can keep in your back-pocket are:

What sets them or their business apart from the rest?What they have khổng lồ offer?What kind of advice or help vị they need?Where vị they see themselves in the future?What’s on top of their mind right now?

Every person cares about their own success, wants to lớn be loved, và be healthy. Money, family, và health are the three most important things to many people you’ll stumble upon in life. Revolve sầu your conversations around these topics.

Once you understvà what people are proud of or love sầu in their careers, families, or lives, your connection with the person will last forever.

Lesson 6: Closing a Conversation

In the book, Robinett emphasized the Three Golden Questions quite a bit. They are:

How can I help you?What ideas vì you have for me?Who else vì you know that I should talk to?

Asking “How can I help you?” helps you figure out how to lớn add value khổng lồ the other person right away. It can be a suggestion, a referral, or something you can lend a hvà.

“What ideas bởi you have for me?” lets the other person add value lớn you.

The last question – “Who else bởi vì you know that I should talk to?” allows you khổng lồ discover whether this person has the connections you’re after.

All these questions phối up a good base for a follow-up right after the meeting or conversation.

Lesson 7: Following Up with a Connection

It’s totally pointless to lớn amass a pile of business cards that you do nothing with. Follow up right after meeting people, và try khổng lồ get on their calendar again ASAP. – Erin Valenti, Technology Entrepreneur

Robinett recommends following up with someone within 24 hours of your first meeting.

Once you’ve sầu settled down after conferences, meetings, or phone calls, follow up with the person you’ve interacted with right away. It can be an tin nhắn, a text, or an invitation khổng lồ connect on LinkedIn.

Thank them for taking the time to lớn interact with you. Invite them lớn keep in touch. You can also attach a useful link, a suggestion, or a valuable introduction in the follow-up message.

Don’t forget khổng lồ ask for additional contact details if you’re missing any. And always end the note with what you are working on, so they know how lớn help.

Like how I have sầu templates to lớn say no, it’s worth building one for following up with new connections.

Lesson 8: Men và Women Network Differently

As a well-connected person, Robinett noticed the differences between how men và women network. She shares them towards the end of the book.

An observation she has was how men tover lớn network up and down whereas women network more peer-to-peer. Men try lớn get seniors khổng lồ be their mentors, or the other way round, whereas women reach out to lớn their peers.

Also, the network women build is more extensive sầu whereas men focus on building alliances to benefit their own members.

How khổng lồ Be a Power nguồn Connector Review

How to lớn Be a nguồn Connector is a good book to help someone get started with building a network for themselves.

You can build a very robust system for networking with Judy Robinett’s 5 + 50 + 100 Rule, the follow-up cadence she recommends, as well as her advice on what khổng lồ say in conversations & what khổng lồ include in a follow-up message.

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Want khổng lồ dive sầu deeper inkhổng lồ the concepts above sầu and take your networking skills to lớn the next level?