One Piece: 5 Characters Stronger Than Monkey D. Dragon (& 5 Weaker) Monkey D. Dragon"s strength is portrayed khổng lồ be on the same màn chơi as that of the Yonko themselves.

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Renowned as the World"s Worst Criminal, Monkey D. Dragon is the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the One Piece series and the father of Monkey D. Luffy. Dragon is known to lớn be an immensely powerful character.

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His strength is portrayed to lớn be on the same cấp độ as that of the Yonko themselves, which just goes khổng lồ show what a massive threat he poses to lớn the World Government. Few characters in One Piece could possibly be stronger than Monkey D. Dragon and here"s a list of 5 such characters và 5 others who are weaker than him.

Whitebeard was one of the Four Emperors of the Sea & the strongest man in the world of One Piece prior lớn his death. Known to be the only person lớn ever match Roger in battle, Whitebeard"s strength was immeasurable.

According khổng lồ Sengoku, he held the power to lớn destroy the world while Garp openly acknowledged him as the King of the Seas. Whitebeard was, undoubtedly, stronger than Dragon.

9 Weaker: Sabo

Sabo is the right-hand man of the Revolutionary Dragon & the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army. He"s known as the second strongest person in the army, after long himself.

Being the Number 2, it doesn"t need explaining why he"s weaker than Dragon. Sabo does, however, have a lot of room to lớn grow since he"s quite young still. In the future, he could possibly get close khổng lồ Dragon"s level.

Roger is the man known to lớn be the greatest pirate in the history of the series và the only person to ever conquer the Grand Line and reach Laugh Tale, earning him the title of the Pirate King.

Gol D. Roger was an elite pirate who was a match for the likes of Whitebeard. Undoubtedly, Roger was stronger than Dragon.

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7 Weaker: Benn Beckman

Benn Beckman is the Vice-Captain of the Red Hair Pirates & the right-hand man of the Yonko, Red-Haired Shanks. Being the Vice Captain, both his power and authority is second only khổng lồ Shanks himself.

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Benn Beckman hasn"t shown his capabilities lớn the fans just yet, however, he is likely around the same cấp độ as Katakuri và King. As such, he"s definitely weaker than someone like Monkey D. Dragon.

Rocks D. Xebec was a mighty pirate who sailed the seas of One Piece around 40 years prior to the current storyline. As the Captain of the Rocks Pirates, Rocks was the man who ruled the seas all by himself.

His powers were such that Roger và Garp had to lớn unite their forces khổng lồ take him down in a fight. Rocks" powers were likely beyond anything that Oda has shown to us in One Piece, which means he was also stronger than Dragon.

5 Weaker: Luffy

Known khổng lồ the Fifth Emperor of the Sea, Luffy is the Captain of the Strawhat Pirates & one of the Worst Generation members. He has a bounty of 1.5 billion berries on his head, making him an elite pirate.

Luffy"s strength, however, isn"t on par with that of an Emperor just yet. Lớn achieve that power, Luffy will have to train his Haki và Devil Fruit powers even further. At the moment, Luffy is weaker than his father, Monkey D. Dragon.

Known to lớn the anh hùng of the Marines, Garp is one of the strongest known characters in One Piece. Despite being a Vice-Admiral, his strength surpassed that of an Admiral.

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Garp has previously fought characters such as Roger and Whitebeard and is spoken about in the same breath as them. Someone lượt thích him is bound khổng lồ be stronger than Dragon, at least in his prime.

3 Weaker: King

King is one of the three All-stars of Kaido"s Beasts Pirates crew. He"s known lớn be his strongest subordinate, which means his power is extraordinary.

King has eaten an Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit known as Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon which lets him turn his body toàn thân in a Pteranodon và a hybrid at will. His strength is equal to that of any Yonko First Mate, however, compared khổng lồ Dragon, he"s definitely weaker.

Known as the strongest creature in the world, Kaido is one of the Yonko in the One Piece world. He has a bounty of over 4.6 billion berries on his head, which is the highest known active bounty for any character right now.

His Devil Fruit powers allow him khổng lồ turn himself into a long at will. Kaido is known to be indestructible & his reputation of being the strongest speaks for itself.

1 Weaker: Katakuri

Katakuri is one of the Three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates và the strongest in their ranks. He has a bounty of 1.057 billion berries on his head, which just goes lớn show how big a threat he is to the Government.

Katakuri is a user of the Special Paramecia type Mochi Mochi no Mi, which allows him to turn his body toàn thân into Mochi at will. He is also a user of all the Haki types, however, his skill with Observation Haki is so incredible that he can successfully see the future using it. Despite everything he"s attained, however, Katakuri is no match for Monkey D. Dragon.