Miley cyrus

“Wrecking Ball” is the second single off of Miley’s fourth studio album Bangerz. The tuy vậy is a pop ballad produced by Dr. Luke, who first came to lớn fame in 2004 when he produced… Read More 

Bạn đang xem: Miley cyrus

We clawed, we chained, our hearts in vainWe jumped, never asking whyWe kissed, I fell under your spellA love no one could denyDon't you ever say I just walked awayI will always want youI can't live a lie, running for my lifeI will always want youI came in like a wrecking ballI never hit so hard in loveAll I wanted was to break your wallsAll you ever did was wreck meYeah, you, you wreck meI put you high up in the skyAnd now, you're not coming downIt slowly turned, you let me burnAnd now, we're ashes on the groundDon't you ever say I just walked awayI will always want youI can't live a lie, running for my lifeI will always want you
I came in lượt thích a wrecking ballI never hit so hard in loveAll I wanted was khổng lồ break your wallsAll you ever did was wreck meI came in lượt thích a wrecking ballYeah, I just closed my eyes & swungLeft me crashing in a blazing fallAll you ever did was wreck meYeah, you, you wreck meI never meant khổng lồ start a warI just wanted you lớn let me inAnd instead of using forceI guess I should've let you winI never meant to lớn start a warI just wanted you to lớn let me inI guess I should've let you winDon't you ever say I just walked awayI will always want youI came in lượt thích a wrecking ballI never hit so hard in loveAll I wanted was khổng lồ break your wallsAll you ever did was wreck meI came in lượt thích a wrecking ballYeah, I just closed my eyes and swungLeft me crashing in a blazing fallAll you ever did was wreck meYeah, you, you wreck meYeah, you, you wreck me

Xem thêm: Tổng Hợp 20 Đề Thi Thử Môn Toán Thpt Quốc Gia, Đề Thi Thử Môn Toán

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“Wrecking Ball” is the second single off of Miley’s fourth studio album Bangerz. The song is a pop ballad produced by Dr. Luke, who first came to fame in 2004 when he produced Kelly Clarkson’s “Since U Been Gone.” Critics have praised the song for its emotional delivery, comparing it to lớn other famous ballads like Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” & Sinead O"Connor’s “Nothing Compares 2 U.”


The tuy vậy has been interpreted as a ballad about “love lost & found, but also about—again—the idea of youth burning hard and fast and then fading away.”

The controversial đoạn clip features a nude Miley swinging on an actual wrecking ball. The singer explains:

The tuy nhiên is a pop ballad that everyone can relate to; everyone has felt that feeling at some point. If people can take their minds off the obvious và go into their imagination và see what the đoạn phim really means, it is so vulnerable.

The tuy nhiên hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in September 2013, making it Miley’s very first number one single.

It is rumored that the song was initially written for Beyoncé. In December 2012, Sacha Skarbek tweeted, “Beyonce tuy vậy now becoming a Miley Cyrus song?!! Good/bad? I don’t know??!!!!”